

Al Başrah / Where Arabian Nights Meet Camel Delights

MeowScore 😿54/100
What is MeowScore?
🐈 Cats in the city 😼
☀️ Sun-soaked days 😸
🚗 Traffic density 😿
🔈 Noisiness 😾
📸 Views and Sightseeing 😼
🌳 Parks and greenery 😸
👮‍♂️ Safety 😼

Best month


warm and great for outdoor activities


Mild weather ideal for exploring historical sites


Cool temperatures perfect for strolling markets


Sights at marshes come alive with migratory birds


Warmer weather allows for outdoor activities in comfort


Celebrate Basrah Flower Festival at the public park


Visit museums and galleries to escape the heat


Experience tradition by observing Ramadan customs


Indoor attractions keep cool in high temperatures


Less crowded, great time for budget travelers


Refreshing breeze, picturesque city walks


Milder temperatures perfect for outdoor exploration


Cool weather for Umm Qasr Port visit


Expensive city

Bigmac $?


Al Basrah is relatively expensive for a visiting cat due to the current unstable economic situation and limited options for shopping.

Haggling is accepted in local markets. Stick to popular restaurants and avoid high-end stores for affordable shopping.

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

transit or business

Usual visit duration

1-3 days

transit or business

Al Basrah is a major port city in Iraq, so visitors often come here for shipping or business purposes and don't stay long.





Cash is preferred and splitting the bill is not common. Etiquette is important.

internet situation

bad Speed

Limited infrastructure, slow speeds

meh Availability

Coverage is decent but not widespread

great Cellular

Strong cellular network with good coverage

Electric socket type D

Common in India. Old British standard BS 546, requires grounded receptacle, doesn't accept other plug types.


1 IQD =

Currency converter



Day length

biking hostile

Unsafe for biking

walking hostile

High traffic volume

LGBTQ hostile

Very hostile

Discover a land of ancient sandboxes, where feline explorers can dig their paws into history and stretch out under sun-soaked palm trees.

Stroll through a city teeming with cozy cardboard boxes and savor the tantalizing aroma of fish markets, perfect for foodies with refined whisker palates.

Things to do

The mainstream

Prince Island
Al Basrah Museum
Al-Muharraq Stadium
Shaheed Monument
Al Basrah Corniche

The mainstream

Prince Island

A tranquil island getaway accessible by boat, complete with palm trees, sandy beaches, and crystal clear waters.

Google Maps
Al Basrah Museum

A museum showcasing the rich history and culture of the Basrah region, from ancient times to present day.

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Al-Muharraq Stadium

Home to one of Iraq's top football teams, the stadium is a popular spot for sports-loving cats.

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Shaheed Monument

A towering memorial to the martyrs of the Iran-Iraq War with a museum and view of the city.

Google Maps
Al Basrah Corniche

A scenic riverside walk with a variety of food stalls and views of traditional wooden boats.

Google Maps

Off the beaten path

Al-Qibla Clock Tower
Ashar Creek
Basra Grand Mosque
Shaheed Monument
Um Qasr Port

Off the beaten path

Al-Qibla Clock Tower

A stunning clock tower that dominates the skyline of Basra. It's a great place to take selfies and admire the majestic 🐪 view of the city.

Google Maps
Ashar Creek

A hidden gem for bird watching, fishing and picnicking. The sound of the flowing water and the chirping of the birds make it an ideal spot for any curious 😸.

Google Maps
Basra Grand Mosque

A magnificent mosque that inspires awe with its grandeur and intricate design. Be sure to remove your 😺 shoes before entering!

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Shaheed Monument

A peaceful tribute to those who lost their lives in the Iran-Iraq War, surrounded by a serene garden. It's a purrfect place to contemplate and relax.

Google Maps
Um Qasr Port

The only deep sea port in Iraq, where ships loading and unloading goods with a 🐟 view. The cat-tastic seafood nearby is the icing on the cake!

Google Maps

biking hostile

Unsafe for biking

walking hostile

High traffic volume

LGBTQ hostile

Very hostile

Mindful meoweler tips

Respect for Religion and Culture

Respect the local dress codes and religious traditions when visiting mosques, churches and other holy sites.

Avoid showing the soles of your paws

Beware of crossing your paws and pointing them towards anyone as it is considered rude and disrespectful.

Street Food Cautions

Be cautious when trying the street food, make sure to eat only in crowded and popular food stalls to avoid any stomach troubles.

Haggling at Markets

Haggling is a common practice at local markets, try negotiating prices for goods you want to buy.

Rules on Local Transportation

If using public transportation, avoid sitting in the front seat which is reserved for females and elderly people.

Useful external sites

Iraqi Airways

Official Website of Iraqi Airways

Hotels, apartments, and more in Basra


Reviews, ratings and photos of hotels, restaurants and attractions in Basra

Beware, most of the content was generated by AI